Monday, June 15, 2009

The Devil Comes in the Form of Frito Pies and Hamburgers!

Well, Day 4 comes to an end. I do really good in the mornings, but I do get hungry in the afternoons I must confess.
Baleigh had her softball game this afternoon and I found it really hard being surrounded by nachos, frito pies and hamburgers. Ugh! It is a wonder I didn't literally take down some poor unsuspecting child having their snack. I had to work today and I was surrounded by Gaslane fried chicken at lunch and tonight is my first time to cook supper since I started. Ooooo, not an easy feat.
It crosses your mind, "Why did I start this?", but I know if I can stick it out, if only for a little while, I am that much further along than I was before.
I'm a tough chic, I can do this! I need to really start praying around 3:00 to make it through the afternoons. So that, I will try tomorrow for sure!
Talk to ya'll tomorrow at the end of Day #5.

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