Monday, January 23, 2012

God is faithful and so are his provisions daily!

This day marks the day that I lost my brother so many years ago. God has, I say gifted me, with the ability to not focus and lament on dates. To be honest, I had forgotten what this day was until a post on FB with pictures and the flood gates opened and the emotions came rushing in! It seems so unfair that the world seems to swallow up the hole that Jason left, but then I think, that's part of God's healing. You NEVER forget, ever, but God provides fullness in your life through family and friends. I am abundantly blessed with both. I actually have had an exciting day this afternoon. I've been cheering on my bestie who I love dearly on her journey to health and have joined her, though I don't battle the diabetes that she has triumphed over. She and I now weigh the about the same and are watching our bodies change daily. I was sooooo exciting seeing her reach new sizes in clothes, though health is her goal, I couldn't have been more proud for her. Then I got to thinking about how she said that it's so hard to see the smaller her, because the images of a heavier her still hang out. This hit me today. I know my pants have grown baggy and I have been drawing them up with a belt, but I still claimed the size they were. Sooooo, by myself I went to town to put furniture in my booth and received a check I didn't think I had. I told myself, "Nobody is with you so go try on some different sizes and when they don't fit, nobody's there to witness it." Sooooo I did! Woo Hoo! I started out a 22, have actually owned 24's a few years back and I could wear 18's with plenty of room to spare! I even put on and zipped up the next size down, but then I would have been arrested, lol!!! But I knew in my heart if they buttoned, it was attainable. I took my own advice and bought me a couple of sale rack items in my NEW size! Dare I throw the old ones away? God has made so many provisions for me throughout my life and I am so blessed because of it. Today I thank Him for voids filled by love and joy through friends and families and for my new health journey that I've begun and my partners I have to share it with. God is soooo good!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Marvelous Monday!

Woke up this morning feeling good! Amazing what a couple of days of exercise can do for you!! Amazing enough I haven't had a coke all day either and no headache. Even played Bunko tonight and was in good spirits and just got off the treadmill to top that. It is truly by the grace of God, but I feel him wanting to make a change in me. Everyone has their lines in the sand and I truly thought I had been there before with my feet, but the cancer scare had me pleading to my Mighty Maker with all my heart and I feel like it is somehow unfair to abuse something that I prayed so hard for. I'm going to pray daily that I stay close to my Maker and look at my changes one day at a time. Not to be discouraged by stumbles, remember I am worth more than I crave and last but not least, EVERYTHING IS PERMISSIBLE, BUT NOT EVERYTHING IS BENEFICIAL!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gotta start somewhere and somewhere is where I've started. :)

Well, walked about a 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill yesterday and went and circuit trained tonight with some awesome ladies. Having accountability, companionship and counsel with others makes getting healthier sooooo much easier!! Will work on getting my water in better this week, baby steps are still steps! Had a blessed, blessed Sunday! God is good!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

God is Faithful.......and Beth needs to be too!

Wow! It has truly been forever since I have been on here, but I find myself needing an outlet lately and so here! As the new year approached I found myself with so many ideas swirling around in my head. I'm not a big New Years resolution person, but I definitely believe in self reflection. I am 1 year from hitting the big 40, just had one of the bigger scares of my life with the whole breast biopsy (that'll make your head swirl much more than New Years for sure) and I am reading a "Great" new book that makes me look at my health in a whole different light and on top of that I am privileged to have just started a Bible study with a "beautiful" group of women! Whew....that's a mouthful, but all full of blessings in its own right. When it boils down to this New Year, I just want to be a better me! I want to seek God's will in what HE wants me to change and improve on and live life in a way that is more pleasing to HIM! Before the whole breast biopsy thingie, I had decided to give up sodas ( I love using that word because it so aggravates Pat) and was eating better. My new book that I'm " in love" with had me asking myself, "am I worth more than what I crave?" I was doing so good and then the scare and it made me realize just how quick we fill voids in life with stuff, that false sense of comfort. The only TRUE comfort is that which we receive from our Lord and Savior! It can't be found in a soda bottle or a fast food bag or a clothing store. So instead of making a big public profession for what I feel God is leading me to do, I will pray for HIM to reveal it, as he has already begun too and I will take action, one day at a time. Truly that's all we're promised anyway. HE is faithful.....and so should I be! Live, laugh and love! Life's to short not to! :)